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Now Tax Exempt!

A Major Step for Clan Logan Society International

Attention CLS Members in the USA!

Have you ever opened your mailbox and pulled out a letter with this logo in the upper left corner?

Internal Revenue Service logo

How far did your heart sink? It's never good to randomly hear from this agency of the federal government.

Thankfully, in this instance, I was actually hoping to get this letter.

Clan Logan Society International has been approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, charitable organization.

This has been a long-hoped for status for the Society. Why?

Now that we have been given this designation, we are eligible to receive tax-deductible donations. This should allow those who have wanted to donate larger amounts to us to be able to deduct the donation amount from their federal taxes (always consult a professional about tax laws). This includes our annual membership donations as well.

Counting US money

We will be starting our funding campaign for the upcoming Family Convention to take advantage of this new designation.

So do not be afraid to donate in large amounts!

Watch for more on this very soon!

J. Kevin Logan


Clan Logan Society International



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